Frequently Asked Questions

  • At Nurse Cathy Douglas, we strive to make all our clients feel right at home, safe and well taken care of from the moment they step into our clinic.

    Before your first appointment, be sure to fill out all the necessary paperwork sent to you by . If you are unable to complete it beforehand or need assistance, please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment so that we can assist you.

    As a new client, during your first visit, we will review your medical history and treatments history prior to exploring your aesthetic goals. With your consent, we will take before pictures to upload to your confidential medical record.

    At this point, we will discuss your recommended treatments, services, and/or products that target your concerns, listing benefits, risks and cost associated with your customized plan. This is the perfect time to ask questions and voice concerns.

    We give clients the option to have their first consult either by video or in person. The initial consult takes about 20 minutes. If you have your desired treatment in mind prior to your initial consult, we will leave time to treat you immediately afterward.

    To request an appointment, contact our clinic today at (647) 446-8783.